JOIN US! 欢迎参加
Diversity + Me Film Festival
Public Day Screening
23 / 24 September, 2023
2023年9月23 / 24日
Embassy of Switzerland in China
Sanlitun Dongwujie 3, Chaoyang District
Please bring your ID to be granted access to the event. By confirming your attendance to this event, you agree that the Embassy may take pictures of you to use for social media purposes. Public transport is encouraged. No parking slot is available. 请携带身份证件以方便入场。活动中将有摄影和录像。确认出席活动即默认同意瑞士驻华大使馆使用包含您形象的影像用于活动宣传。建议公共交通出行。无停车位提供。
** Not recommended for children /不适宜儿童观看